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Coram Boy

dedicated to Miss D

Chamber Opera in one act


2(1.+A.Fl., Picc.)(2.+S.Sax.).1(1.+B.Cl).0.0.,, 3 sopranos, 2 mezzo-sopranos, countertenor, tenor, baritone, bass, actor, Hp., Pno., Electronics., String Quartet


C.90 Minutes

Programme Note

“Do you see colour, when you hear different notes?”


1624 – A new Act is passed making both the concealment of an illegitimate pregnancy and the death of a new-born baby a capital offence.

1741 – Thomas Coram founds the first Hospital for Foundling children.

1742 – The patron of the Coram Hospital, George Frideric Handel, starts composing his Messiah to raise funds for the Hospital. Our story begins.


Composition Insight 

Based on the book by Jamila Gavin

Stage Adaptation: Helen Edmundson

Libretto Adaptation: Fleur Snow

Conductor: Stefano Boccacci

Director: Fleur Snow

Production Designer: Tomás Palmer

An image of a chair on a darkened stage
Lady Ashbrook sat on an ornate chair
Otis wearing an ornate mask
Mrs Lynch looking concerned
Melissa and Meshak at the ball
Alexander and Melissa at the ball
Lady ashbrook at the ball
Jasper recording the opera at the mixing desk
Melissa looking sad stood by a gold wallpaper
Jasper giving some instructions to the ensemble about how they want it to be performed

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