“Matryoshka” is the Russian word for Nesting Doll. When growing up I had a fascination for these ornaments which we had around our home. I used to be so fascinated at how they were designed to slot within each other perfectly. When starting this piece, I came across a set of these dolls and noticed that whilst each doll may look like each other, the smaller each one had been made the simpler the design became. this then became the basis of this piece. Working with Schoenberg’s idea of “Multi-dimensional Structures” I set about constructing a piece which works on many different levels of Micro and Macro structures. A simple example of this is that the first movement has been written in Sonata form, with the Development section is in Rondo form.This was then expanded to make the structure for the whole Concerto, with the entire piece being in Sonata form and the 3rd movement (Development section) being in Rondo form.